another week passed by...
yeah i'm getting to be lazy :P
the last week didn't do anything special...
but friday we were at the pub night from our school =)
was really funny =)
we were at schenanigans (oder wie au immer mer das schriebt...) and a lot of
tamwood students were there =) i met some new friends :P
on saturday we stayed at home the whole day. because once again the weather was soooooo terrible.
i went home for dinner =) my host family and me ate some really good steaks and potatos and peas =) mmmmmh....
katie and i were invited to a house party of some canadian friends from katie.
it was funny and very interesting to met all these new people.
hehe... we were soooo hungry when we came back that we cooked some scrambled eggs =) and for the first time in my live i ate them with ketchup... wasn't that bad :P
on sunday we went to different stores because katie wanted to buy a new camera =)
and i bought new dvds =) my weakness... =)
wow ja we almost forgot to celebrate 1.advent... =) but we put 4 candles on our couch table and that is our adventskranz =)
today we worked hard to finally get prepared for our exams.
tomorrow we will have the whole day speaking exams so that we will be genius on wednesday. =)
ah ja unglaublich aber wahr, morn dekorieret mer ide schuel de christbaum mit POPCORN... haha =) bin jo gspanne :P
Montag, 30. November 2009
advent, advent ein lichtlein brennt =)
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Dienstag, 24. November 2009
black and white
1 Kommentarewooow time flies.... =)
another week passed by. =)
unfortunately i can't remember what we did on tuesday :P
so i tell you something about wednesday...
after another funny day at school, my suuuper friend katie and i went swimming =)
we spent an hour or nearly two in the swimming pool, hot tub, sauna and steaming room.
it was greeeeat... best place to unwind =) i am really looking forward to move in to our apt. so
that i can spend more time in our spa world :P
on thursday we cooked mexican food... =) it was yummy =)
we had to heat a sauce and cook tortillas in it... then we put some cheese one it. and for those who thought that
it is spicy ( for me =) ) we had sour cream to milden it =)
we had a lot of fun =)
on friday i got rid of my looong hair... after that we spent another time in our spa and the swimming pool =)
we were soooo tired after relaxing that we decided to watch a movie =) The simpsons =)
and i slept the first time in our apartment =) was amazing :P
the next day, katie and i walked through downtown to hand in our resumes. =)
and at 3 o'clock we went to the hairdresser to get ready for our big house warming party which took place on that evening. =)
a lot of guests came to our house warming and all of them tried to follow our motto 'black and white' =)
fortunately our whole floor is a party floor, so no one is complaining about noises :P
there was another big party on our floor =) so we could celebrate the house warming as long as we wanted to or were able to =)
then the hang over day came =) sunday was terrible =)
our apartment was a holly mess... =)
so we had to clean everything =)
after that katie and i went downtown again to hand in the resumes.
the manager at white spot was very depressing. he just took our resumes folded them and popped them into his
trouser pocket and said us he will call us if he need somebody.... jaja wers glaubt.... naja
but on monday in cactus club we had a little bit more luck.
right after handing in our application sheets and resume we had a short interview... and maybe the manager will call us on friday if we were good enough. =)
today we had our second mock speaking and unexpectedly i got a really good mark =)
so this calmed a little bit my nervousness from next wednesday (december 2.)
after school we watched the dvd 'the proposal' iiiii like =) hehe
this movie is so cuute :P especially rayn reynolds =)
sooo i have to go to bed =) tomorrow is our second mock =)
but here are a bunch of pictures form last week =)
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Montag, 16. November 2009
let's move in =)
1 Kommentaresooooo let's go to last week...
hmm last Thursday we did not do anything special because we are very serious students and went home to have dinner and finally go to bed and have a lot of sleep =)
we needed it because on Friday was our biig biiiig biig mock exam.
on the mock exam we had all our writing test on one day, such as reading, use of english, writing and listening. that was a preparation for the real CAE exam, then it will be the same like the mock exam.
so we had to work hard the whole day, this cried for going out =)
so we met us at pili's apartment and had a drink there... (or maybe it were two drinks :) )
then we went all together to Roxy, which was once more AWESOME... =) the band played great songs like they always do. =)
and i met some really nice Canadian guys :P
on Saturday my host parents went to Las Vegas for a few days, that's why Nadia came over and had to look after me (hehe seems that I am too young to look after myself :P )
Nadia is the 33 year old daughter from my host parents.
So in the afternoon I went with her to Metrotown, which is a really big shopping mall with more than 400 stores in it. We bought some presents for the baby of her friend.
On Saturday evening I stayed at home and watched the Canucks game =) and they beat Colorado 8:2 =)
Then on Sunday I helped my girls to move in to our amazing apartment =) it's just great.
and its view is soooo breathtaking...
our rental includes also a lot of nice facilities. we live in one of the 4 spectrum towers of vancouver and these buildings offer their renters a swimming pool, a whirl pool, a sauna, a gym and different other facilities =)
after rearranging the furniture we went to dollarama to buy somethings for the kitchen and to clean our apartment =) dollarama is a shop were everything costs about 1.- =)
the whole weekend it had really heavy rains, it rained the double of the normal average of the whole november =(
it was still rainy today and so it will be the whole week... =(
it's called the pineapple express, what means that these rains are cause by a warm jetstream from the Hawaiian Islands.
Today we got our results from the mock exam from Friday.
and guess what? I PASSED =)
If it was the real CAE, I would have passed it with 64%.
It's not that good, I want to be better, but it's passed =)
And to show off a little bit more :-) I had the best percentage in the listening exam.
I had 93%, which means that I only had 2 mistakes... wuuuhhuuuu! I am soooo happy.
But I can't relax now, I have to study hard, because I don't want to have only 64% in the CAE! =)
that's why i finish here my blog and do my homework and learn a little bit. =)
ou here are a couple of pictures from friday and our apartment =)
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Mittwoch, 11. November 2009
just relax and take it easy
1 Kommentaream suntig hani meh oder weniger gschlofe und eifacht mal nünt gmacht, usert mis zimmer ufgruumet und putzt und mini wösch gwäsche =)
am määäntig hend mer de au wieder schuel gha =) und am namitag isch mock speaking exam agseit gsi. das heisst mer hend so wiene hauptprobe gha für üsi richtig prüäfig den. =) juhu und ich hans speaking bestande. hoffe das goht de ade zweite hauptprob und de prüäfig au so =)
da üsi lehreri am numitag de ned ume gsi isch hend mer üs schön beschäftigt gha =) hehe... üsi klass isch eifacht dr hammer. =) föteli und videos hets uf facebook wers aluege wött =)
mäntig abig bini de hei und han chli glernt und grelaxt... =)
de zischtig isch de öppe glich gsi, nur dass mir de am numitag au was gmacht hend ide schuel obwohl d lehreri ned ume gsi isch =)
gestr hani de nu mit minere gastfamilie alli mini föteli aglueget und ihne de marc, de fabian und julia au mal nu zeiget =)
und mis gastmami isch hin und weg gsi vum fabian... hehe...
hüt haaani gaaaanz lang gschlofe. bi üs isch fiirtig.
remembrance day. da gedenktes de soldate vum erste und em zweite weltchrieg.
hihi irgendswie bini de ganz tag aso bis am 4i ned dezue chu zum esse willi immer mit kollege am schriebe gsi bin. und de sind mini gasteltere wieder hei chu und de hani natürli schleunigst mössä go esse. sus hetets mi nu umbracht. die findet sus scho ich isse viil zwenig obwohl sie mäschtet mi do. =P
hüt abig gani nu is kino go christmas carol luege =) hoffe er isch luschtig :P
sooo und das wär den au min letschte blog iitrag uf schwiizerdüütsch gsi.
es gilt langsam ernst da in vancouver. mue mi chli uf mini exam vorbereite und da ghört au english writing dezue =)
soooo looking forward hearing from you =)
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Sonntag, 8. November 2009
let's have fondue =)
0 Kommentarejo die ziiit goht schnell verbii. =(
am mittwuch sind mer de logischerwiise wieder emal is ceilis -> buck-a-beer ;)
damiti au fit bi am abig, bini am nomitag nu schnell es stündli hei go pfüüsele...
leider bini de zspot verwachet und bin erst am 7i (das isch spot fürd kanadier) downtown gsi. woni de bim ceilis achu bin, het scho en verdammti schlange gha vore use.
natürli hani denkt alli mini kollege sind scho dine... de bini mal d schlange füre glofe und zum glück isch fascht z vorderst halb tamwood gstande und i han mi de au nu chöne dete ine drucke =)
und für die negschte 1.5-2h sind mer da au a dem ort stoh bliebe... irgendswenn hend mer de doch nu ine dörfe und hend de fetti party gmacht das am marc sind letschte abig gsi isch.
und den isch de truurig dunschtig chu. schön brav id schuel go lerne und de nuchli hei go pfüüsele und am abig spot am marc go tschüss sege uf de flughafe =( ganz en truurige moment gsi.
am friitig hani de wie immer schön brav welle id schuel... leider bini nur bis zur commercial station chu woni het selle umstiege, dete isch mer aber zwei mal so schwindlig worde dasi neme han chöne stoh und de hani mi entschiede mich wieder hei zkämpfe. hihi und mini gastmuetter het den en halbi krise bechu, sie het sus scho meeega angst vor de schweine grippe und de chunt no en halbtoti micha hei... sie isch de schleunigst id chuchi grennt und het s merkblatt vu de schweinegrippe gholt und grad mit mine sympton vergliche :P
zum glück het nur öppis überein gstumme, sus het sie mich sicher no unter quarantäne gesteckt :P
so bini de, de ganz friitig meh oder weniger am schlafe gsi und am suppe esse =)
glücklicherwiis ischs mer am samschtig abig wieder chli besser gange und ich bin ready gsi für es schwiizer fondue im the william tell restaurant =)
isch aso ganz fein gsi. bin de aber nachere schön brav hei gange und die andere schwiizer sind nu chli go fiire =)
hüt hani nu chli ufgruumt und s zimmer putzt und mini chleider gwäsche :P muess halt au mal sii =)
ja i vier wuche hani scho mini advanced prüäfig... d ziit goht schnell... drum lerni iz besser no chli. am beste mit dvd oder fernseh luege =)
sooo da hets nu es paaar föteli =)
greeeez und bis zum nächste mal ;)
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Dienstag, 3. November 2009
time to say good bye
1 Kommentarehuhu isch iz au scho chli länger her woni s letscht mal drii gschriebe han =)
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