Hehe ja bin es fliessigs...
as i told you in my last blog, i went to the bank for opening a bank account. so on monday i had my appointment with Tissany and she advised me about the different accounts they have.
first thing you have to learn about canadian way of life, you have to pay for everything you want (and sometimes even for the thing you can't do anything about it; for example an incoming phone call)
the transactions on you bank account are limited... for example i can do 25 transactions and for each more than that i have to pay.
then instead of sending you a personal bank card you just get an impersonal one... they take on out of their shelves and that's it. further for you online banking you just need the number of your bank card and a password... very secure... :P haha
if you want to rent an apartment in canada you don't have to make a contract.
when we visited our apartment, the owner told us, if you want to rent it, you can do that, you were the first ones which wrote me, so if you want, it's yours. so no contract - no signature - noooothing. but we insisted on making a contract, just in case...
because we were afraid of getting kicked out because of the olympics. several friends, without contract, were kicked out so that the owners can rent the apartment for more to make good money.
canadian don't like contract, so you neither have one at work. after my interview at prospect point my boss said, oh you are employed, you will earn 9.50.- / hour and start on Saturday... that was it. no notice for quitting and so... by the way the normal wage here is between 8-12 .- sooo not really much.
oh and if you use public transport, please line-up... canadians line-up for everything... waiting for a bus, get into a club, waiting for a table in a restaurant, waiting to get into a store on boxing day... i guess it's common to wait one or two hours just to get into a club... why not...
and if not today, then tomorroaw.... maaaybe...
hunting for a job is really hard in canada.
sometimes you can just write e-mails because there is no phone number or name of the company... so if you write an e-mail you can't do anything else than wait...
maybe they will write you, maybe not... and most times you won't hear anything...
every time you enter a shop you will be warm welcomed and asked how it is going... =)
most of the people here are very friendly =)
aber canadier sind au seeeehr diskriminierend... es git jo eich vier maskottli fürd olympiade, aber isch üch scho mal ufgfall dass de mukmuk isch entweder nie uf de werbig oder den nur ganz chli :P isch doch fies :P
to be continued... =) mue iz go volley spiele
Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2010
Canadian way of life =)
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Sonntag, 24. Januar 2010
chile meets vancouver =) vs. ikea makes you feel home... =)
0 Kommentarefriday before a week we were lucky to welcome some guests from chile =) Arturo and Diego =)
the same evening we had a party which was for once more hilarious =) sooooo great =)
my friends are just awesome!
on the weekend i had to work... and it was okay...
on monday i went to school as usual. but i changed my planes.
i will finish school this week and then i will work and go back to school in april or march for private lessons. so that i can get prepared for the CPE test.
by the way by the end of this week or beginning of the next we will get our results from the CAE test.
monday evening i met andre =) he brought me a gift from my lovely friends =)
they sent me a looooot of chocolate, my favourite toothpaste and aromat =)
you are soooooo great! i love you all! and i really miss you!
ooooh on tuesday i went to ikea with mario to buy a bookcase for our den =)
when i was walking through ikea i felt like home =) it was greeeat!
ooooh i have some bad news... =( there is NOOOOO snow in vancouver... can you believe that? the mountains around vancouver are closed... and they are trying to collect all the snow from cypress to prepare the runs for the olympics....
on wednesday we took a yoga class with our class :P and honestly it was a bit exhausting :P
and that evening it was the last day in vancouver for diego and arturo so we went to cambie to enjoy the last evening. guys you are great! ;)
on thursday i just went to school and after that i slept the whole afternoon because i was soooooo tired and feeling blah, because since the january 3rd i haven't had one day off. so i am really looking forward to monday in a week when i will sleep all day long. =)
on friday i got really depressed, when i went to the bank and just said these few words : hi i would like to open a bank account! the man behind the desk asked me if i was from germany... my accent must be soooooooo bad... =( but actually that man lived in switzerland for a few months...
in the evening i watched "youth in revolt" in the cinema =) susanne and me really enjoyed that movie.
yesterday i was working again =)
so did i today =)
(sooo wie immer föteli chömet de nu =) het aber glaub ned so viil)
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Freitag, 15. Januar 2010
micha - THE kitchen helper
0 KommentareOn January, 5th Fernando and me went to the cinema to watch Sherlock Holmes. Although it was really hard to understand everything they said, especially the chemical reactions, the movie was really good.You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.
There were some gripping scenes and blowing special effects. =)
A day later I had my job interview at Prospect Point.
I applied for a position as a kitchen helper... hahaha...
Luckily everything went good and I am finally employed =)
On my way home from the Interview, I must be mentioned that this restaurant is in Stanley Park near the Lions Gate Bridge, I enjoyed the beauty of this park.
An hour later we were on our ways to Grouse Mountain, where I continued to learn snowboarding. It was hilarious. =)
My aim was to be able to get off the chairlift by the end of the day. Unfortunately i didn't reach my goal. =(
on the last run i fell really hard and I almost couldn't walk anymore not to mention sit. =)
I've already posted the link of my great video of how I got off the chairlift =)
on thursday I just went to school. that day i didn't feel very good because of my pain all over my body...
so i went to bed in the afternoon and slept the whole day :P
'hot dog eating contest'
Tamwood's friday activity was the hot dog eating contest =) who can eat the most hot dogs in 10minutes?
i must say the first one was really good but after 3 more it tasted sooo bad... so i ate 4.5 hot dogs in 10min.
but that was nothing in comparence with the boys. one mexican guy scoffed 11 hot dogs.
you might think that i hadn't eaten more that day, but that's completely wrong.... =)
that evening we wachted Scrubs, which is my new addiction =)
and then i was time to face the real life, it was saturday and it was my first day of work in Canada. =)
the people at Prospect Point are really nice. they are great =)
the work i have to do is okay... but anyway it's fun to work there.
i had to work the whole weekend. but whenever i work there i can eat their meals, which are soooo delicious =)
this is the link, for those who want to know, what we are cooking:
last monday i was playing volleyball with my co-worker from prospect point =)
i was sooooo much fun, then i recognised that i miss it really much.
from now on we will play volleyball every monday =) wuuuuuhu
the day before yesterday all the renters of apt.2301, 602 citadel parade, went to cinema together, which was nearly a 'once in a lifetime exprience' =) because it's really seldom that everyone is at home as all of us have to work.
we watched the amazing movie 'leap year'. it was an absolutely romantic film =) but soooooo good =)
yesterday evening was terrific =)
our neighbours and all of us went to cambie for a drink =)
when we got there it was already sooo crowded that we had the pleasure to share a table
with two awesome canadian guys.
we were having a great time and then it happen.
one of these canadians peed into the pitcher right at the table. and when they left they just told us not to drink this 'water'.... haha soooooo gross.
(wie s letscht mal scho, bini au jetzt z fuul zumd föteli ufe lade will ich muen iz umbedingt is bettli =) aber die chömet de schono )
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Montag, 4. Januar 2010
i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year =)
0 Kommentarewow the holidays were great =)
on christmas eve had an international christmas :P
we organised a buffet in our apartment and everyone who joined our party brought specialities from their own country. so we have a huge variety of different kind of foods. it was great =)
and of course there was a big party in our apartment.... (as always...)
as the amercian tradition we unwrapped our presents on christmas day... on the 25th in the morning there were a few gifts beyond the "christmas tree".
later that day i was invited to have dinner with my ex host family.
it was marvelous.... =) we started to eat at 3pm and ate until 11pm =) but it was sooo delicious. and the relatives are soooo nice.
i felt (almost) like home =)
and then... the biiig biig day... haha
december 26th.... booxing day.
okay it wasn't that special, i thought i would be like hell, like everyone would run around and fight for clothes and shoes ( like in the movies)...
the stores were crowded and in front of brand stores there were huge line-up's, but the prices weren't that good actually...
just a some items were reduced... so we didn't spend as much money as we expected.
on sunday we went to stanley park with our neighbours (mario and claudio) and our Swiss friends, Michaela and Urs.
we hired city cruisers... funny bicycles... :P
and our aim was to find raccoons to feed them with chips.
so that wasn't a really hard task. if you found one, the whole family came to you. and they were anything but shy... once they touched marios camera... haha :P
for the first time of my life i had to go to school between christmas and new years...
it was strange... but that's why the time flew...
so new years eve was knocking on the door.
we had a Swiss party =) there were 6 Swiss people, Andrea, Fabian, Mario, Claudio, Thomas and me, and there was Katie =) our German friend.
we had a mouthwatering raclette for dinner =) it was yummy =)
after this excellent meal we played some games (6nimmt oder so) and drunk a bit of alcohol. and listened to the agahte bauer songs... =) (wenn au mal wötsch lose, gan uf youtube und sueche agathe bauer geschichte, isch dr hammr)
we had a lot of fun... it was a unforgettable evening... =) (some know more from the night and some less... :P )
even some people did sports that night... they played tonsil hockey... =) haha
during the first day of the year we didn't do anything exhausting, we just hung around and talked about our amazing times here in canada.
to finish that lazy day we went to the cinema to watch "the chipmunks" they are great. i can recommend that movie =)
yesterday was Andrea's and Fabian's last day in Vancouver. so we went out for dinner =)
ah by the way i got a snowboard from Susanne, another Swiss friend, she bought a new one and gave me her old one. so i just had to buy the bindings, because Andrea gave me her snowboard boots since she didn't had enough space in her suitcase to take them back to Switzerland.
back to the evening. so after our dinner in White Spot we went back to our apartment.
and in front of the other Spectrum Tower were around 3 ambulances, 2 firefighter cars and around 4 or 5 police cars. some men sat on the flower with handcuffs.
unfortunately i don't know what happen, but after 20 minutes all the police cars, ambulances and fire fighers drove away... :P
today i went snowboarding on Grouse Mountain. =)
the view was breath-taking. we saw whole vancouver, parts of vancouver island and even some mountains from the united states. =)
since i am still not a profi snowboarder i fell down many times and now everything hurts :P
soooo it's midnight i have to learn for our test tomorrow and go to bed :P
ou, i forgot something important... on wednesday I will have my first job interview... =)
and last but not least, i just want to say hello to all who read my blog =) thank you...
liebs grüessli as grosi =)
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