as I told you, I was working for the paralympics :P
this has been a great and unforgettable experience. in the thunderbird arena they have had some stands where you could try how it is to do sports with a handicap.
so we tried how to play ice sledge hockey (but on the floor), and we gave our best in wheelchair curling. =) it was really interesting to feel how exhausting these sports are. :P
and as we were in the stadium, we had the chance to sneak in and watch the games. :P
it always was a biiiiig party :D
our roommate nicolas left more than a week ago, that's why ha were having a biiiig party in our apartment. the theme for that party was 'remember the 90's' =)
soo we went to value village which is a second hand store for buying clothes from the 90's. =)
the party was incredible =) these are a few numbers of our party:
ca. 50 people
ca. 150 jello shots
9 hours of paaaaarty =)
ca. 50 balloons
reams of beers and other kinds of alcohol :P
aaaand a few hang overs :P
on sunday we went to the cinema =)
this time we watched 'she is out of my league' this movie is soooo funny =) really entertaining =)
one day later I was invited at my homestay for a delicious dinner =) it was soooooo nice to have seen them again =) they're sooo lovely. when i am there, it feels almost like home =)
ooon tuesday i went to the cinema again =) and we watched 'bounty hunter' which is a goood movie but not as funny as the other one was :P
thursday was a sad day, because i had to say good bye to one of my best friends here in van. fernando left and went back to spain.
huuuu friday hahahahaha =) that was a night.
but stop, i have to beginn the day in the morning :D
my neighbours and dear friends, mario and claudio, had their graduation :P sooo i got up early (at 10 or something like that) :P and went to school because i didn't want to miss their great speech.
after that we went to subway for lunch =)
and because I am a really good student I did my homework before school :P
so after school i met Vriiini =) and we bought spaghetti for dinner and went together with Salome to the liquor store :P there we bought some (haha!) liquor =)
so we ate spaghetti and had a great evening =)
after sleeping the whole day, my roomies and me went to Hell's Kitchen for having dinner with Alanna, the birthday child =)
later on we joined the farewell party from our neighbours :P but as I was still tired from the night before we didn't stay long :P
actually my roomies and me were invited for breakfast at our neighbours apartment (miiiit zopf :P ) buuuut they were soooo hung over that they slept tooo long and we went to north vancouver and had our brunch there :P
hehehe =) guess what I did yesterday evening? =)
i went to cinemaa again :P this time for the movie 'the hot tub time machine'!
such a hilarious mooovie :P you HAVE to watch it!
today is more or less my packing and cleaning day. because i am leaving tomorrow for my roadtrip through BC! =)
we are going to be on the road for one month =) --> snowboarding, surfing, playing cowboys :P
soooo this means i won't be online very often and it could be that i am unavailable on the phone. :P
so just keep reading my blog, because this is going to be the only thing i will update :P
have a nice day and i hope to hear from you anyways :P
Mittwoch, 31. März 2010
remember the 90s =)
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Dienstag, 16. März 2010
with glowing hearts...
0 Kommentareon Sunday, feburary 28th, was my first day at work for the olympics.
i was lucky and could work at the closing ceremony. it was amazing.
the show was reaaaally good. =)
although i had to work 10 hours it was an unforgettable experience :D
the following days were packed with work at the warehouse and school.
i am taking private lessons now and it's soooooo good! my teacher is hillarious.
during these lessons i've been learning a lot =) it's a good preparation for possible further exams.
we went to the cinema last week. we watched 'Alice in Wonderland', which is a really good movie. there is a lot to laugh about :D
the rest of the week was about the same as the week before, just work and school.
do you know jello shots? =)
it's really funny to get drunk with jello shots.
jello shots are like pudding but made with alcohol.
so you can get drunk without drinking anything :P
but actually it takes a while to get wasted.
last friday was the opening ceremony of the paralympics 2010.
it was so thrilling to be at this ceremony. these sportlers were sooo impressive.
if you want to watch it or parts of it, go to:
there you can see how guys in wheelchairs skate on ramps.
since then we are working at the thunderbird arena as retail assistants.
so i have to go back to work now...
cu later...
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